Rome Exhibition Joint Is Out Of Time

Posted 15.02.19 by Leigh

Rome Exhibition Joint Is Out Of Time

Date(s): 29.01.19 - 02.06.19. Venue: Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Viale delle Belle Arti 131, 00197 Rome, Italy.

The Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (National Gallery Of Modern Art) in Rome launches its new season of exhibitions with its 'Joint Is Out Of Time' exhibition; a new grafting which redefines the current staging of the collections, renewing them with the works of seven contemporary artists of international provenance. Arranged throughout the various rooms of the National Gallery, these new works mingle with the pre-existing ones, thus delineating the emergence of a pioneering constellation whose design seems capable of finding a place for itself within the corpus of the previous exhibition entitled 'Time Is Out Of Joint'. The seven artists are from different generations and countries: Elena Damiani (Lima, 1979), Fernanda Fragateiro (Montijo, Portugal, 1962), Francesco Gennari (Pesaro, 1973), Roni Horn (New York, 1955), Giulio Paolini (Genoa, 1940), Davide Rivalta (Bologna, 1974) and Jan Vercruysse (Ostend, 1948 - Bruges, 2018), but all of whom share the same sensibility and the media they choose to work with, and with the aim to renew and to preserve.

Opening hours: Tuesdays to Sundays from 8:30am to 7:30pm (closed on Mondays). Tickets: 10 Euros (reduced: 5 Euros). Last admission is 45 minutes before closing.

69 Manin Street - Via Daniele Manin 69, 00185 Rome, Italy
Tel: (+39) 06 99 33 03 74 - Fax: (+39) 06 96 70 87 30 - Email:
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