Spring Attitude Festival 2018 Rome

Posted 14.09.18 by Leigh

Spring Attitude Festival 2018 Rome

Dates: 04.10.18 - 06.10.18. Address: Ex Dogana, Viale dello Scalo S. Lorenzo 10, 00185 Rome / Mattatoio Testaccio, Piazza Orazio Giustiniani 4, 00153 Rome, Italy.

This year's edition of the Spring Attitude Festival takes place from the 4th to the 6th October.'Fall is the new Spring' is this year's slogan and the festival is being housed in two excellent venues; the Mattatoio Testaccio and the Ex Dogana. This is one of Rome's most prestigious annual electronic festivals which has hosted some of Europe's top electronic music acts, such as Air and Four Tet. Now in its ninth year, the festival is going from strength to strength and acts on showcase this year include Ariwo, Cristalli Liquidi, Deena Abdelwahed, DJ Coco, Frah Quintale, Jeremy Underground amongst several others. The audience's musical experience will be enhanced with added visuals from SPRING + ON, which will fill the venues with installations, performances and virtual/interactive art.

Tickets: weekend pass: 34 Euros / 4th October 4 (Mattatoio Testaccio): 12 Euros / 5th October (Ex Dogana): 20 Euros / 6th October (Ex Dogana): 20 Euros

69 Manin Street - Via Daniele Manin 69, 00185 Rome, Italy
Tel: (+39) 06 99 33 03 74 - Fax: (+39) 06 96 70 87 30 - Email: info@69maninstreet.com
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